Recent Blog Posts
April 11, 2013 |
Setting up the Django Base Template for Website Development
I’m trying to expand my technical repertoire by building a website using Python and Django. I’ve been...
April 2, 2013 |
Raspberry Pi at the North Jersey Python/Django Developers Group
Thanks to Chris and all the other attending members for letting me drone on about building a Raspberry Pi web server. Aa promised, I’ve attached a copy of the presentation here.
If you’re interested in Python and live or work in the area, this is a good meetup group to attend.
March 19, 2013 |
Catching Up
I’m initiating a project on residential energy optimization, tracking a bear in the back yard, working with a Raspberry Pi to develop a Big Data development cluster, and getting ready for a couple of upcoming talks
November 14, 2011 |
Distribution Scope, Security, and Useful Tools
While working on the Facebook Privacy Informer App, I had to tackle the issue of “Scope of...
November 10, 2011 |
Update: Recent Online Privacy Activity
I was on a development death march for the weeks leading into the Internet Identity Workshop #13 (conference...